He's some kind of a mix I picked up at our local animal shelter. Some of you may already know, but Baybee died September 30th and I was not coping well. The same day Baybee passed Westside German Shepherd Rescue contacted me about fostering a black shepherd puppy at another shelter. She was adopted and I was no longer needed to foster... although I really really was not in the right state of mind to be taking on a foster. So Westside waited until this past Saturday and called me about a dog they needed me to 'evaluate' at Kern County Animal Control. So I agreed, after all they only wanted me to 'evaluate' her. Well turns out KCAC didn't get that message and they were under the impression I was taking her on behalf of Westside...HA! The animal care worker brought her out and she was drenched from midline down to her paws in urine and had chunks of feces hanging from her long hair. It broke my heart to see her, she didn't even want to walk. Would you? When I approached to try to test her ( SAFER test is administered to be sure the dog will be safe around children or other animals) I started to gag because she smelled sooo bad! Of course I couldn't leave her there so I didn't put up much fuss when the rescue coordinator said she would be a few minutes while she finished up this poor dogs paperwork.
While I was waiting for her paperwork two ACW's were discussing this little dog in a carrier on the sink. ACW #1 " I just don't have the heart to do it" ACW # 2 " I know I don't either but we already gave him an extra day". So I turned another ACW (that I used to work with there at the shelter) and she said it was his pull day. If he didn't get adopted by the end of the day he would be put down. Now this little guy had already been neutered BUT had no adoption interest. He had actually been in a kennel with other puppies and he was the only one not adopted.He was moved into a carrier because there were more puppies coming in and given one more day. It broke my heart to hear this sweet boy would be put down simply because his time had run out. So I adopted him.
Here's something kinda funny... he arrived at the shelter on September 30th.
Yesterday was his first exam with our vet, and the poor little guy has an infection because his neuter was done too early and his living area was dirty (because ACW can't take the dogs out to go to the bathroom so they eliminate in the kennels/carriers). He also has a hole were his skull never finished forming... so not hitting this dog in the head please!
I keep seeking John's honest opinion about my new little man but he just says 'he's cute' or 'he really seems to love you'. I dunno I hope John isn't unhappy about our newest addition because I just adore him. He isn't a replacement for Baybee just a happy addition.
BTW the foster dog I took in had to be taken to the vet hospital in Malibu because she was sick. But fortunately she is doing well , and was actually walking around after I cleaned her up (it took me 3 hours to bathe her....blech!) If you'd like to adopt a GSD or donate to the cause visit sheprescue.org. Don't breed or buy while shelter animals die.
This is Garbo... such a sweet girl!
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