In an effort to spend more time with me, John decided our Mother's/Father's day gifts should be two bicycles. Maybe I should re-phrase... two GOOD bicycles. In other words, not vintage. We actually have four bikes already but they are all vintage except one, and that one is actually too small for us to ride comfortably. I took John's vintage Schwinn road bike out on the bike trail for a 28 (?) mile ride and found that when I got home the bike was falling apart! Something had been hitting my feet and calves periodically, but I didn't see anything. Turns out the nuts/bolts/ screws were falling off the bike. I'm lucky I made it back to the truck without having to carry the bike back. Our trek to obtain two bikes lead us to Costco on Rosedale Highway where we had found two bikes we liked last week. Today, however, the women's bikes were gone...sold out. So we drove over to Costco on Panama Lane hoping they would still have at least one in stock. No such luck. Both stores did have the bike John wanted but he didn't want to buy his if I couldn't get one too. After the purpose of buying them is so we can go out on the bike trail together with our kids being towed safely behind us in our Schwinn trailer. Since we didn't find the bikes at Costco we stopped by Action Sports on our way home and were quickly disheartened by their prices. The lowest priced bicycle we found was $350, ON SALE! Needless to say we did not buy from there. Oh well, the search continues.
In other news...

Luca is walking and actually is trying to potty train already. So far he's only gone one and two twice in the potty. And this morning he actually woke me up the use the potty (number two and one but I think one was a byproduct of trying so hard for number two). Overall a good day for Luca, we moved his crib into William's room in an effort to help them both sleep through the night without our assistance. We'll see how it goes.
William refuses to use the potty unless we catch him pushing then he will sit for number two. His pediatrician assured me that since he doesn't have dry nights yet I should expect him to be potty trained. He is also going through a very loud "NO" phase. Argh!
We have eleven baby chicks! Their mom roosted in our coop and was trying to get her babies away from the fence line last Sunday when Hank and Zoey got a hold of her and yanked her through the fence. She didn't have a chance. So John and I went out into the coop and scooped up all eleven babies and one egg. I brought them in the house and commenced mothering. A trip to Tractor Supply and we were all set to care for the chicks. So far they are doing very well, the egg however was a dud. They all seem to be content, and they quickly figured out if they chirp loudly I'll come check on them. Sometimes they just want to know I'm there... so sweet! I've researched on the computer their breeds and so far I can only say for sure that we do have four Turkens. Weird but cute in their own way!
We also have Black Australorps

Which will look like this...

And two more that I haven't identified yet. I'll post photos when they're a bit older, and I have time to take they're pictures.
So sometime soon we will be repairing and updating the chicken coop to accommodate our newest family members.
And finally our bathroom is coming together!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! Our tub came in on Thursday and John picked it up this morning. It is a true work of art, I sat in it (in our garage) for so long today. The drywall is hung, the carpenter finished the closet Tuesday of this past week, and the tile will be laid starting Monday!! I am OVERJOYED at the prospect of having another bathroom once again with a tub. A claw foot soaking tub at that. I WILL post photos when it is done.
As for me personally... the weight loss thing is going well. 15lbs down, and I think I'll probably try for another 20lbs or so. America is doing well as my service dog. I make sure to give her praise whenever she notices that I'm particularly anxious, and she accompanies me whenever I leave the house alone. Which means ...HEY I'm leaving the house! The VA is very intent on fixing my problem. I was on Paxil/ Paraxotine but the side effects were a bit extreme. You'll have to ask John, he says I was very twitchy (while sleeping) and startled easily and he claims I would tell him someone was standing in our room nightly. I don't remember, but I started 'seeing' things during the day, it really didn't bother me much but they took me off the meds. Not because I was seeing things but because they knocked me out. Funny right.... oh well.

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