Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I'd like to know your opinion of this ... I found it posted on

Kate Gosselin Loses It With Kids

Kate Gosselin is beginning to crack!!!

Either that or she really does love being in the tabloids.

Photogs captured Kate losing her temper with one of the sextuplets, Leah, on Saturday morning. As Kate was on the phone, Leah was blowing a whistle. After Kate asked her to stop, Leah blew on the whistle again and Kate became enraged.

She rose from her seat, came over, and spanked the little girl! In front of the cameras!

A witness tellsInTouch, "The girl was screaming and crying. Kate just pushed her away and walked off with her coffee. Her older sisters were trying to make Leah feel better.”

Oy, not a good move, Kate. Doesn't help your image at all, since your trying to avoid being labeled an abusive parent.

Of course, in light of this news, the experts had to be called in to see if this was a serious offense on Kate's part. Though there is no laws against spanking and the parental community is divided on the practice.

In a public statement, Kate stands firm behind the feeling that how she disciplines her children in public or private is her decision.

We do think Kate should have thought about those damn cameras before reacting the way she did.

What do U think about Kate's reaction?

So personally I don't want to be one of those parents that spanks because if I were to spank...I think it would be coming from a place of anger. And I definately do not want to spank because I've lost my temper. That being said I'm not against punishment I just think that a parent should have the right frame of mind when dispensing the chosen form of punishment... so they don't lose control. Now with Kate G. she's had such bad publicity lately I don't think she can afford to spank her children in public especially after the pre- interview incident with Mady... (see link below) Fellow Mommies weigh in please I would love to hear what you think.

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