Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ladies a save your hair mission... if you will

So I've been reading the Pioneer woman blog and I decided maybe a vinegar rinse is for me. I've tried baking soda with water as a shampoo to remove all of the chlorine from my hair (when I used to log in hours and hours at the pool), but now I think I'll try the vinegar. And I want all of the ladies to join me, not in the shower but on the mission to regain (or actually gain for the first time) beautiful shiny voluminous hair. (OH if you happen to be a long haired male...feel free to try this with us). Here is PW's recipe...

I grabbed a plastic bottle from my kitchen cabinet and filled it with a solution of half vinegar, half warm water. Then I grabbed some essential oil (a mix of lavender and rosemary) and added a tiny drop, just to kill the vinegar smell. In the shower, after I washed my hair (this is getting personal; sorry), I leaned back my head and poured it all over my scalp, letting it run down the length of my hair. Then I left it on for a couple of minutes while I fished all my other shower shenanigans, and rinsed it a final time.
In the week I've been regularly rinsing my hair with vinegar, here’s what’s happened:
* My girls have both separately said, “Mommy, your hair is so shiny.”
* My hair feels cleaner than it has ever felt.
* My hair feels thicker than it has felt in a long time. I think the vinegar is stripping away so much gunk that it’s finally feeling alive again.
* I smell faintly like pickles.
* But I’m okay with that for now.
The experiment is still continuing

Let me know how it works for you. And I'll keep you posted as well.

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