A smile caught just in time (he actually already laughs in his sleep...at what I have no idea!)
John and William getting ready to head outside
Well we made the the first week...whew. Although I do admit I had a minor melt down Friday. John went back to work and left me alone with the boys, and William decided around 11:30am he was going to do the opposite of whatever I said. Including (but not limited to...)unfolding all of the laundry I had just folded,throwing cheerios on the newly vacuumed floor and smashing them, and while I was breastfeeding launching everything he could get his hands on at me and Luca (I'm convinced I was the intended target). So I called John after 12 just to ask him to talk to William, but I was so frazzled by that point John just said he was coming home. By the time John got home I had managed to feed both kids and get them to lay down for naps...which I desperately needed too. However, William then sat up and noticed daddy was home...so no more nap. Of course my astute husband carted William outside to play and insisted I get some sleep...yeah! I love my husband, a wise man indeed...I woke up in a much better mood.
So remind me of something ladies....when well I feel rested again? I wake up in the morning exhausted, need a nap by 1pm latest before I collapse, and another one by 7...sheesh. I don't remember being this tired with William...hmm.
William on his jungle gym
Smile for mommy...
In other news our home is done...(I know posted that before ...but now I have pictures)
My electrician hard at work installing new outlets & under cabinet lighting
John & his helper...Notice the new wall color...oooh aaahh
Using a laser level to hang a curtain rod
New Flooring,tile, refinished cabinets, and new faucet.
Our new Kitchen...
Our new and improved mudroom/closet... fresh paint,new floor & reorganized.
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