Now for the quick (emphasis on quick)Holiday run down....
Thanksgiving- Pit stop to say hello to my parents at Connie and Daniel Hunt's (My Aunt and Uncle)
Christmas Eve- Bob and Cheri's (again) for the annual Ancheta White Elephant gift exchanged...where William was more than willing to spread the Christmas love. John, William and I scored with some new towels, a Simmons Construction shirt and hat(great for John to work in, and fresh Starbucks coffee...yum.
Get this kid away from me....
Christmas Day- We each opened our one gift (money was tight so we set a price limit). William received "Word World" DVD's and "It's a Big Big World" DVD's, John got a military grade First Aid Kit (trust me he needed it!)and PolyPro's (military issue long johns basically), as for me... a new wallet/checkbook holder and an isymphony for my ipod.
Then we were off to my mom's for a Christmas meal and presents. Where I proceed to vomit at the table ...nice right? All because I was laughing at my dad's impersonation of me as a toddler alseep in my mashed potates. It was messy... I slipped and fell (my knees are still black and blue..), it got everywhere but in my hair. Ugh. And my wonderfully sensative husband then fired a ton of questions at me while I was still throwing up in the sink..."what's wrong?" "why are you crying?" "why aren't you answering me?...hello?". So while I cleaned myself up William started opening gifts... a rollercoaster, a see and say, and clothes. SCORE!!
After Christmas...Ancheta Christmas- The first time in more than a year that all of the Ancheta kids were together. Whew... with a total of 4 boys and 1 girl...there were alot of grandkids...8 ..whew...good luck grandma and grandpa.

That's all for now... I need to put William down for his nap... more whenever I feel the urge to finish...but just one more thing before I go...William's baby brother looks like him...
love the picture of the new baby!!! Can't wait to meet him!! Happy new year!