Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One more before I go...
So I scheduled a haircut before the baby is due...(March 27th or 28th is my new due date ..FYI) and I told Vicki I want something, a style of some sort so even if I just brush it out it will look like I made an effort without really making one. She suggested I return to the angled bob I had previously. She says it is the most flattering to my features, and yet it will still be long enough to pull back when needed. What do you think.... in case you forgot observe the current one length "style" I have now (which frequently gets pulled up into a ponytail because I've only had it trimmed once since August 2007 when I got my last real cut and style)

and the go to "Angled Bob" styled 2 different ways...

Seriously post your comments I want to know...really and truly your HONEST opinion.

and the go to "Angled Bob" styled 2 different ways...

Seriously post your comments I want to know...really and truly your HONEST opinion.
yummy food....
So I decided I needed to post some of my favorite eateries, both past and present (IE East and West coast). In no particular order... drum roll please....
*Rainforest Cafe- I was a frequent visitor whenever I stopped at the Syracuse Carousel Mall ...the BEST shrimp ravioli...yum!
*Cracker Barrel- mmm mmm Country cooking (Watertown, NY and apparently everywhere but Cali)
*Chappy's Oldies Diner- perfect little diner where all of the waitresses (3 total) took the time to know your name, and how you like your all you can eat spaghetti every Tuesday. Unfortunately the land the diner was on was sold to some developer that shut them down, so I'm told from one of the waitresses that still e-mails to this day...::sniffle:: (formerly Watertown, NY)
* Bob Evans- I went there alot though I can't really remember what was so good about it (Watertown, NY)
* Friendly's Cafe- cheap but yummy desserts, I can't remember how the food was (Watertown, NY)
* The Rice Bowl- been around forever it seems like affordable with large'll have leftovers for days trust me! (Bakersfield,CA)
* Logan's Roadhouse- Affordable (John and I split a meal) and seemingly always empty so we've getting fabulous service. Plus they have the best sweet tea...mmm tea. (Bakersfield, CA)
* Outback Steakhouse- All I have to say is Alice Springs Chicken (everywhere)
* John's Incredible Pizza- where else can John, William and I all eat endless salad,pizza,pasta,and dessert for less than $20 (Bakersfield,CA)
I'm sure I have more I just can't find the list I was brainstorming on and I'm so tired now I can't think straight ..not too mention now I'm hungry too.
To be continued....
2/4/09 Food Continues....
Senor Pepe's- Affordable fast mexican food.... actually this one ties with El Sombero on the front.
Hodel's- Oh Hodel's how I love thee...
*Rainforest Cafe- I was a frequent visitor whenever I stopped at the Syracuse Carousel Mall ...the BEST shrimp ravioli...yum!
*Cracker Barrel- mmm mmm Country cooking (Watertown, NY and apparently everywhere but Cali)
*Chappy's Oldies Diner- perfect little diner where all of the waitresses (3 total) took the time to know your name, and how you like your all you can eat spaghetti every Tuesday. Unfortunately the land the diner was on was sold to some developer that shut them down, so I'm told from one of the waitresses that still e-mails to this day...::sniffle:: (formerly Watertown, NY)
* Bob Evans- I went there alot though I can't really remember what was so good about it (Watertown, NY)
* Friendly's Cafe- cheap but yummy desserts, I can't remember how the food was (Watertown, NY)
* The Rice Bowl- been around forever it seems like affordable with large'll have leftovers for days trust me! (Bakersfield,CA)
* Logan's Roadhouse- Affordable (John and I split a meal) and seemingly always empty so we've getting fabulous service. Plus they have the best sweet tea...mmm tea. (Bakersfield, CA)
* Outback Steakhouse- All I have to say is Alice Springs Chicken (everywhere)
* John's Incredible Pizza- where else can John, William and I all eat endless salad,pizza,pasta,and dessert for less than $20 (Bakersfield,CA)
I'm sure I have more I just can't find the list I was brainstorming on and I'm so tired now I can't think straight ..not too mention now I'm hungry too.
To be continued....
2/4/09 Food Continues....
Senor Pepe's- Affordable fast mexican food.... actually this one ties with El Sombero on the front.
Hodel's- Oh Hodel's how I love thee...
So there are a few blogs I read on here quite frequently one of them being an Army wifes blog and I just had to share something she posted because
1. I know the individual she's speaking of personally
2. It's true about men on so many levels (you can substitute the truck for golf clubs)
3. I laughed so loud and heartily that John came in to investigate what was so hillarious... to which he replied " What's so funny about that?"
the post is as follows....
"Randy wants to save all the cleaning for after the movers leave. I just shake my head and sigh, because he has no idea what that means. First of all, he has no idea what truly clean means, so that could have something to do with it. Unless it's his truck. And then he knows when an ant sneezed on the tire. Fortunately, I already began the cleaning process several days ago, which means we're down to one bathroom, the other one and a half being hermetically sealed after I was done with them. Tomorrow is the kitchen and then after the movers take away all the furniture the rest of the cleaning can get done. I figure this will include Randy's brains, because after he sees how much work is STILL to be done, I expect his head will explode."
HAHAHA! I love it!!
1. I know the individual she's speaking of personally
2. It's true about men on so many levels (you can substitute the truck for golf clubs)
3. I laughed so loud and heartily that John came in to investigate what was so hillarious... to which he replied " What's so funny about that?"
the post is as follows....
"Randy wants to save all the cleaning for after the movers leave. I just shake my head and sigh, because he has no idea what that means. First of all, he has no idea what truly clean means, so that could have something to do with it. Unless it's his truck. And then he knows when an ant sneezed on the tire. Fortunately, I already began the cleaning process several days ago, which means we're down to one bathroom, the other one and a half being hermetically sealed after I was done with them. Tomorrow is the kitchen and then after the movers take away all the furniture the rest of the cleaning can get done. I figure this will include Randy's brains, because after he sees how much work is STILL to be done, I expect his head will explode."
HAHAHA! I love it!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Date night...
So tonight my parents watched William so John and I could get a bite to eat without our little monster. It was really kinda of strange not having him there with us...throwing his food in a refusal to eat or tossing his drink to the ground because he wants to drink out of our glasses instead. We actually ordered what we wanted to eat without considering substituting anything to accommodate William, and John got to enjoy a Margarita (hey we had a coupon so it was only $.99). So there we were out at the Elephant Bar eating our delicious Kona Ribs, and all we did was talk about our little monster at Grandma's and the little monster that will be making his appearance in just 2 months. John has the frame of mind that all we have to do is get through these next 2 years and we'll be golden. The boys will be able to play together outside, and be quite the little helpers to daddy. But what about the days preceding those 2 years? I just hope I can handle what's to come.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My new favorite game...
Handy Man..
So after our generous Christmas gift from David and Kathleen we decided it was time to finally replace the toilet in our master bathroom. The one we've been making due with has caused me to call John more than 3 times last month alone while he's been at work, not too mention waking him up in the middle of the night because I flushed and instead of going down... up came the water. Ugh... Onward to Lowes we went and picked out our new throne, and it is a beauty let me tell you. Oh I know you're probably reading this going ...eww..Shawnra come on I don't want to hear about your toilet woes. But hey how else can I brag about what a hero my hubby is without listing some recent accomplishments. So there we are in Lowes, and WOW! There are alot of toilets to choose from....sheesh. So we settled for a respectably priced Jacuzzi brand toilet. This thing is AWESOME!! It could be that I'm just amazed by it efficient flushing power, but I really do LOVE our new toilet. And it is earth friendly which I know our last one was not...I'm looking forward to lower water bills...hey every little bit counts!

Up next on the home repair front was our kitchen sink. Finally fed up with having to wait 10 minutes or more for the sink to drain before I could use it again, I begged John to call a plumber. After all by his own admission he could fix it himself but would probably mess up. Which was why we were in the mess we were in to begin with....the previous owners decided to do the plumbing themselves and didn't angle the pipes properly for the water just sat in the pipes until they rusted through (which was discovered when John tried to snake the drain only to find the snake had gone through the outside of the pipe...duct tape to the rescue). After calling around and getting a few estimates ranging from $475 ::cough:: to $175, I decided to make a call myself. "Daddy?" So I relayed the problem to my dad and he replied "It's not brain surgery, I can do it" YEAH!!! So my dad stopped by Saturday evening and took a look...prescribed the proper materials for John to retrieve from Lowes, and promised to return Sunday to re-plumb under our kitchen sink. So while William and I were napping John and my dad set to work on tackling our kitchen drainage issues. Thank goodness my dad had the foresight to bring along a snake to check for clogs. Here we thought it was just the angle of the pipes but there was more to it than that. We had a monster clog. But let me remind you we've had issues with the kitchen sink since the day we moved in (as well as the toilets, faucets, lights, outlets...and much more that is just slipping my mind at the moment) So after working vigorously for 2 and half hours the job was done, and I now have a sink that literally works better than I've seen any sink work. I kid you not! It is a thing of beauty. Gotta love the handy men in my life.
The new plumbing
Swirling vortex of water
Our pretty new drains
And last but not least...look familiar Alex?

John put it up in our dining area to put little knick knacks on... I think it adds a bit of a rustic feel.
Up next on the home repair front was our kitchen sink. Finally fed up with having to wait 10 minutes or more for the sink to drain before I could use it again, I begged John to call a plumber. After all by his own admission he could fix it himself but would probably mess up. Which was why we were in the mess we were in to begin with....the previous owners decided to do the plumbing themselves and didn't angle the pipes properly for the water just sat in the pipes until they rusted through (which was discovered when John tried to snake the drain only to find the snake had gone through the outside of the pipe...duct tape to the rescue). After calling around and getting a few estimates ranging from $475 ::cough:: to $175, I decided to make a call myself. "Daddy?" So I relayed the problem to my dad and he replied "It's not brain surgery, I can do it" YEAH!!! So my dad stopped by Saturday evening and took a look...prescribed the proper materials for John to retrieve from Lowes, and promised to return Sunday to re-plumb under our kitchen sink. So while William and I were napping John and my dad set to work on tackling our kitchen drainage issues. Thank goodness my dad had the foresight to bring along a snake to check for clogs. Here we thought it was just the angle of the pipes but there was more to it than that. We had a monster clog. But let me remind you we've had issues with the kitchen sink since the day we moved in (as well as the toilets, faucets, lights, outlets...and much more that is just slipping my mind at the moment) So after working vigorously for 2 and half hours the job was done, and I now have a sink that literally works better than I've seen any sink work. I kid you not! It is a thing of beauty. Gotta love the handy men in my life.
And last but not least...look familiar Alex?
John put it up in our dining area to put little knick knacks on... I think it adds a bit of a rustic feel.
Will this blasted cold never retreat? I demand an immediate and complete retreat right this instance!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
First haircut
I suppose I can finish the wrap up....

After our after Christmas, Christmas Nancy had a holiday open house where we gorged ourselves on all of the yummy finger foods. By the time we left I was still stuffed and I had stopped eating 2 hours earlier...whew!

Brent holding on tight to William...

Everyone that attended the after holiday party
William at the craft table

The daddy's with their babies


I love this one!

John being a goofball

Don't ask me...

BTW- I successfully avoided the camera except for the above photos that feature me...the group one I had no choice on, and the other I was caught off guard. But there was one other that I must respectfully decline to post as it shows a full side view of me...
New years was spent at Auntie Barbara and Uncle Danny's just like we do every year for Menudo...yum, oh and of course to celebrate with wasn't all about the food, I swear! (no photos sorry)
And that concludes my holiday wrap up...whew!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So much to post...argh
Ok for starters.... thanks for the cold know who you are. We're miserable! William is slowly bouncing back however John and I are being hit hard. Ugh!

Now for the quick (emphasis on quick)Holiday run down....
Thanksgiving- Pit stop to say hello to my parents at Connie and Daniel Hunt's (My Aunt and Uncle)

then off to Bob and Cheri's for the annual extended Ancheta get together.
Christmas Eve- Bob and Cheri's (again) for the annual Ancheta White Elephant gift exchanged...where William was more than willing to spread the Christmas love. John, William and I scored with some new towels, a Simmons Construction shirt and hat(great for John to work in, and fresh Starbucks coffee...yum.

Get this kid away from me....

Christmas Day- We each opened our one gift (money was tight so we set a price limit). William received "Word World" DVD's and "It's a Big Big World" DVD's, John got a military grade First Aid Kit (trust me he needed it!)and PolyPro's (military issue long johns basically), as for me... a new wallet/checkbook holder and an isymphony for my ipod.

Then we were off to my mom's for a Christmas meal and presents. Where I proceed to vomit at the table ...nice right? All because I was laughing at my dad's impersonation of me as a toddler alseep in my mashed potates. It was messy... I slipped and fell (my knees are still black and blue..), it got everywhere but in my hair. Ugh. And my wonderfully sensative husband then fired a ton of questions at me while I was still throwing up in the sink..."what's wrong?" "why are you crying?" "why aren't you answering me?...hello?". So while I cleaned myself up William started opening gifts... a rollercoaster, a see and say, and clothes. SCORE!!

After Christmas...Ancheta Christmas- The first time in more than a year that all of the Ancheta kids were together. Whew... with a total of 4 boys and 1 girl...there were alot of grandkids...8 ..whew...good luck grandma and grandpa.

That's all for now... I need to put William down for his nap... more whenever I feel the urge to finish...but just one more thing before I go...William's baby brother looks like him...

Now for the quick (emphasis on quick)Holiday run down....
Thanksgiving- Pit stop to say hello to my parents at Connie and Daniel Hunt's (My Aunt and Uncle)
Christmas Eve- Bob and Cheri's (again) for the annual Ancheta White Elephant gift exchanged...where William was more than willing to spread the Christmas love. John, William and I scored with some new towels, a Simmons Construction shirt and hat(great for John to work in, and fresh Starbucks coffee...yum.
Get this kid away from me....
Christmas Day- We each opened our one gift (money was tight so we set a price limit). William received "Word World" DVD's and "It's a Big Big World" DVD's, John got a military grade First Aid Kit (trust me he needed it!)and PolyPro's (military issue long johns basically), as for me... a new wallet/checkbook holder and an isymphony for my ipod.
Then we were off to my mom's for a Christmas meal and presents. Where I proceed to vomit at the table ...nice right? All because I was laughing at my dad's impersonation of me as a toddler alseep in my mashed potates. It was messy... I slipped and fell (my knees are still black and blue..), it got everywhere but in my hair. Ugh. And my wonderfully sensative husband then fired a ton of questions at me while I was still throwing up in the sink..."what's wrong?" "why are you crying?" "why aren't you answering me?...hello?". So while I cleaned myself up William started opening gifts... a rollercoaster, a see and say, and clothes. SCORE!!
After Christmas...Ancheta Christmas- The first time in more than a year that all of the Ancheta kids were together. Whew... with a total of 4 boys and 1 girl...there were alot of grandkids...8 ..whew...good luck grandma and grandpa.

That's all for now... I need to put William down for his nap... more whenever I feel the urge to finish...but just one more thing before I go...William's baby brother looks like him...
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