UPDATE TIME!! William is now 5 months old loving life and his Galloping Jumperoo... he's grown so much! We went to his doctor yesterday and he weighed in at a whoppin 15 lbs 14 oz, 26" tall...so since Tim and Michelle had mentioned the percentage bracket that Kate is in, I asked the nurse where William ranks....75% can you believe it!? His doctor said that his development is where an average 6-7 month old is, and told me to start giving him rice cereal. BUT I don't want to...::sniffle:: it's happening too fast. What's next college!
A couple of weekends ago John, William and I drove to L.A. to visit Tim and Michelle(Thanx so much!). Once there the guys went out for a very short round of golf while Michelle prepared lunch and I was subjected to ...::gasp:: High School Musical 2. Let just say I never felt the need to watch it before and I most certainly don't feel the need now! I'm all about musicals such as "Grease", "Moulin Rouge", "Across the Universe",and "Rock-a-doodle"(if you haven't seen it rent it!) but High School Musical ... was just too..well bright, the music was ok but the overall theme ... ack. So after a wonderful Korean BBQ lunch we hit the freeway Long Beach bound....headed to the Aquarium. William was in awe of all of the fish, it was all so much for him to take in and he took his nap early. It made me want to invest in another aquarium for my home... I would just need a new tank, a project for later I suppose.
Finally!! It's good to see pictures of you guys!! We had a great weekend too! You'll have to come over more often. Is bkfd hot now?! Anyway, maybe one day we can get tiVo so that we can watch Big Bang Theory together!!