So as you all know very well I had our baby... lol. I owe you all the gory details of her birth.
After I was allowed to leave bed rest behind at 36 weeks, I went hog wild. It was a cleaning extravaganza over here, there was no slowing me down. I welcomed the contractions back with open arms. I just didn't realize they would last a couple of weeks before Jozlyn arrived. On April 11th I woke up early and got into the tub because I felt so uncomfortable. John monitored my contractions for about 10 minutes then called his mom to watch over me while he went to work. Thus the count down began. We called John around 8 am and told him we'd be calling the midwife and my mom. The midwife came and checked me 2cm 75% effaced. She went home to prepare lunch for her kids and said she would be back after lunch to do a re-check. John finally made it home by 2pm and LaMonica (the midwife) had re-checked my progress. 4cm. I was instructed to walk around out back for an hour, then come back inside for a re-check. Still 4cm. LaMonica went home to get dinner on the table when she returned we thought for sure it was time... Nope. Around 12:30am LaMonica went home and advised us to call her if anything changed because she'd never had ANYONE go from 4cm to a baby in an hour so relax and get some sleep.
1:50ish am I asked John to help me into the bathroom because I absolutely had to pee and I couldn't get up! LOL!! Then the magic hour happened. 1:57am my water broke. John jumped into action and started filling the bathtub because I was in INTENSE pain. I told him that I needed push and wide eyed he said "DON'T PUSH'!! He left the room to call the midwife and my mom, and when he came back in... there was her head. Jozlyn Amelia Ancheta arrived at 2:00am, a mere three minutes after my water broke, I pushed two times. John was running around in a panic saying over and over "Where's the bulb syringe? Is she breathing?!? I need to suction her..." Quite funny actually in contrast to the complete calm I felt.
The boys slept through it all. When LaMonica arrived 7 minutes after Jozlyn arrived John cut the cord and we went through the normal process of measurements. Around 3am we climbed back into bed and slept comfortably. Home birth was AMAZING I wish we would've had the boys at home.
Jozlyn Amelia Ancheta
April 12, 2011
7lbs 12oz
20" long