Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Animals ...

So each time we've visited CALM we've missed the following animals....

but as you can see they out for all to see on our last trip. The snakes are usually visible but not this close to the glass. So William was pretty amazed by all of it.

And when we left we headed out to our favorite haunt...Logan's Roadhouse for a late lunch...yum!

PS in the photos William is eating Salad yep that's right salad.

A bit of a trim...

Luca was being complimented a little too much on what a "cute little girl" he was so I decided to bust out the new hair sissors I bought recent'y and give him a trim. It looks good so I'm happy with the end result.



Camping and more...

February was kinda stressful for me, I knew our roof needed to be done and I was really freaking out about how we were going to pay for it... so we took a break and escaped Bakersfield. We went camping in Morro Bay which was actually very nice. The weather forecast called for rain all weekend but like I said we needed a break... besides it was supposed to rain in Bakersfield too. It rained the first night...ALL night, but was nice a sunny the next day....however we woke up to a tsunami advisory!! CRAZY! Although it caused some really beautiful waves, and the tsunami never hit so yay! We were able to use full hookups and really were quite comfortable the whole time, we even had family movie night the first evening since we couldn't do the whole campfire thing.

John's birthay was the 24th (and Alex...happy birthday!), so we got my parents to watch the kids and had a date night...it was so nice to be able to enjoy a meal without rushing because the kids are restless, or worrying about if they're getting enough to eat, or dodging swift hands reaching for my glass. We really enjoyed ourselves.