Just thought I'd share a story that was passed on to me this week.....
Many years ago there was a very wealthy man who shared a passion for art collecting with his son. They had many priceless works adorning the walls of their family estate.
The nation was at war and the young man left home to serve his country. After a few weeks his father received notification his son had died. Distraught and lonely, the old man faced the Christmas holidays with sadness, all the joy of the season had vanished with the death of his son.
On Christmas morning a knock at the door awakened the depressed old man...a soldier with a large package in his arms greeted the old man, "I was a friend of your sons', he was rescuing me when he passed away. May I come in for a few minutes? I have something to show you." The soldier stated he was an artist then gave the old man the package. Inside was a portrait of the man's son. Though the world would never consider it the work of a genius the painting featured the young man's face in striking detail.
Over come with emotion the old man hung the portrait of his fireplace, thus pushing aside millions of dollars worth of art. His ask completed the old man sat in his chair and spent Christmas gazing at the gift he'd been given. The painting of his son was soon his most prized possession far eclipsing the pieces of art that many museums clamored over.
Half a year later the old man passed away, and the art world waited with anticipation for the upcoming auction. According to his will, all of his possessions would be auctioned on Christmas Day...the day he had received the greatest gift of all.
The day arrived and collectors from around the world gathered to bid on some spectacular pieces of art. The auction began with the painting of the man's son. The auctioneer asked for an opening bid, but the room was silent. "Who will open the bidding?" No one spoke...Finally someone spoke up, "who cares about that worthless painting? Let's move onto the good stuff!" The auctioneer responded, " I'm sorry but the instructions in the will are clear that we are to start the auction with this painting. Now who will take the son?"
Finally a neighbor offered $50 stating "that's all I have, I knew the boy, so I'd like to have it." The auctioneer said, "Going once, GOING TWICE...SOLD" The gavel fell and the crowd cheered, happy to move on to the real art. The auctioneer surveyed the room and announced that the auction was over. Everyone was stunned." What do you mean it's over?! This man had millions of dollars worth of art, What's going on here?!"
The auctioneer replied "It's very simple...According to the will of the Father, whoever takes the son...gets it all!"
The message is the same this Christmas because of the Father's love whoever takes the Son gets it all.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
William's 1st Christmas
Not much to say really.... we went to the annual White Elephant party w/ John's family, and lets just say that we were very pleased with what we walked away with! ;)On Christmas day we spent the day at my parents...thank goodness...because I felt terrible and my mom took care of William so I could get some rest...I'm still sick today, but I'm feeling a little bit better. William recieved some gifts from his Nana and Papa that he really does LOVE! I'll have to post a photo of him with his new favorite toys...an ABC singing Leap Frog and an Iflop. He laughs and coos whenever we use them! Amazing...
Oh and before I forget...Congrats Alex and Shanti on the birth of Annelise! John and I can't wait to meet her!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Backyard Bonfire
So our new favorite thing is building a fire in our own backyard...it's satisfying my urge to go camping for now. Our backyard is amazing, so I want to share it with friends and family alike. John and I have invited both friends and family over to share in our excitment, but so far only a high school friend of mine, Desiree, has taken us up on our offer. She and her two sons came over to bask in the warmth of the backyard bonfire, along with her signifcant other, Corey...who incidently was on the golf team with John and Alex in High School (small world). I can easily say her boys, Zander and Lucas, were throughly entertained by the dogs, horses and the fire..they should sleep well tonight! Which I'm sure Desiree will be quite thankful for.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Our First Post
Alright I'm back...there is only so much a daddy can do to console an unhappy baby. Sometimes all it takes is having (drum roll please) well frankly, breasts. It's quite amusing really if I allow William to cry for a moment he becomes quite an angry eater. He'll latch on moaning and groaning until he calms down.
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